lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Projects presentation: "Art and Culture in English speaking countries"

During the last weeks before Easter holidays, the students of "Proyecto integrado" in 4th ESO, gave their oral expositions on their projects.

Students themselves published their presentations in the blogs for this subject. 

Those projects elaborated by students in the group 4th B this second term can be seen HERE.

They have used different ICT tools as Prezi, Google presentations, Scratch,, Slides to do them.

This term we have used co-evaluation questionnaires as well as a collaborative board in Padlet. 

This PADLET board have allowed students to foster their cultural awareness and to arise respect and understanding of how a person's culture may inform their values, behaviour, beliefs and basic assumptions.

These are the two blogs for each of the groups:

OUR Project WIKI 

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